The vision of Legacy Minded Men is to move men from being unengaged and apathetic in their faith to someone who is fully engaged and a man of action. Through our servant based ministry we come alongside the local church, both small and large, to help build, or assist, with their men’s ministry which, if done properly, will not only impact the church but the man himself. This, in turn, will affect his family, his workplace and ultimately the community he serves in a powerful way.
Transforming lives by engaging, equipping and encouraging men to build a Christ-centered legacy.
One Stop Shop for EVERYTHING Men's Ministry.
We are the Legacy Experts whose main focus is providing men all that they need to be men of action, who are actively building, considering, and dedicated to their Legacy.
The Legacy we are speaking of is two-fold. The word of God says in Proverbs 13:22 "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." We look at this as, yes, what a man leaves behind physically, but MORE importantly what he is leaving behind Spiritually.
We understand that men are natural builders and are in need of:
Building materials
While Legacy Minded Men produces In-house training, tools, and materials our vision is for the entire man (360-degree training). Many Ministries complement LMM due to the fact that they take on specific needs for men. LMM would be considered the General stop for the man, while we have strategic partners who focus on specific needs for men.
Our Partnerships are designed to be mutually beneficial. Our Goal is to get the men where they need to go. Our Partners benefit in two specific ways.
Their Ministry get premier spots and space on our APP and Web Page.
We offer the men the ability to be directly linked with our partners web pages, apps, ect.
We are a discipleship-driven ministry.
We are dedicated to Salvation ESSENTIALS. When it comes to Christian Doctrine we seek unison on essentials, liberty on non-essentials.
We are an umbrella resource center.
We are not denomination-specific.
We are not theologians.
We are not generally counselors, although we can recommend a few to men.
We are not telling men how to live, simply showing them what has worked and hasn't worked in other men's lives as well as what we believe a Christ-centered man of God looks like through the scriptures.
We are not about money.
We are not lukewarm.
The Legacy we pursue is a Christ-centered one. Without him, "legacy" means nothing.
We support the work of pastors and local churches by providing training resources and expertise that build men and therefore strengthen the church;
We create serving opportunities for men to use their time, talents and treasures in significant ways;
We believe we honor God by doing everything with excellence and integrity. Bringing glory to God in all that we do;
Breaking down racial, cultural & denominational barriers by focusing only on the salvation message of Jesus Christ;
Equipping men to grow in their faith and the practical application of it in their lives;
Enhancing fellowship, communication and relationship-building within the Christian community.


Joe Pellegrino
Founder & President

Craig Livsey
Executive Board Member and Asst to President

Lee Rouson
Executive Board
Member & Ambassador

Doug Stroup
Executive Board Member

Ron Aiosa
Advisory Board Member

Joe Battaglia
Advisory Board Member

Jim Henry
Pastoral Care

Carlos Quijada
Translator & Latino Advisor

Erskin Anavitarte
Legacy Ambassador

Joe Silva
Executive Board Member & Vice President

Tom Vigorito
Executive Board Member & Secretary

Matt Currin
Executive Board Member

Tom Grieco
Advisory Board Member

Morgan Burklow
Advisory Board Member

Eric Butler
Pastoral Advisor

Harrison Sanchez
Liaison to Latin Community

Mike Palombi
Director, Prison Ministry

Juan Garcia
Advisor & Counselor
Partner with Us
We hope we've been able to help you understand the importance and value of our mission.
Perhaps you've been moved to make a donation to help us to fund our programs. We appreciate your willingness to serve us financially and hope you will click on the donate button below to submit your gift through Tithe.ly. Legacy Minded Men is a non-profit and 501c3 Corporation. All donations are tax-deductible.
Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select "Legacy Minded Men Inc" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.
How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "Legacy Minded Men Inc" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app